Friday, 3 December 2010

World Cup bid leaves bad taste

July 11, 2010 - 06160734 date 11 07 2010 Copyright imago BPI FIFA President Sepp Blatter PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUKxFRAxNEDxESPxSWExPOLxCHNxJPN Football men World Cup National team international match Final Johannesburg Portrait Vdig 2010 vertical Highlight premiumd Football.

So there we have it.  After 18 months of political lobbying, journalist digging, scandal, corruption and a last minute Royal-infused, David Beckham inspired dash to the line, England’s 2018 World Cup bid ended in dismal failure.

We are not alone though. It was also a grim day yesterday for Australia and America as they missed the chance to host the World Cup to, of all places, Qatar.

After witnessing England and then America lose out in their bids it is easy to be accused of being bitter. And I admit I am gutted England lost. To see the World Cup come back to my own country would be a dream come true and I fear we may never get the chance again.

But, nearly 24 hours after the event and taking my England hat off for a minute, I still feel the whole bidding and voting process leaves a lot to be desired....

Read the rest of this blog

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